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M-Cubed is a modular meter management and can be used for data collection as well. M-Cubed software is applicable with CewePremier, Sprint and Elite 100.
- Applications
- Features and Benefits
- Meter information management
- Meter configuration
- Remote meter data collection
- Easy data presentation, viewing and printing
- Data export and integration
- User management control and information management
- Effective user management by providing suitable rights to multiple users
- Stores information such as serial no, location, kVA rating, contract demand etc.
- Meter configuration
- Facility to configure meter
- Multiple Data collection options
- Direct meter reading through PC/laptop
- Remote meter reading through GSM/ GPRS modems
- Meter reading with TCP/ IP connection in LAN/WAN
- Data import from compatible HHU
- Meter data view and reporting
- Instantaneous parameter view
- Energy and demand register readings
- Load profile tabular and chart view
- Events view
- Meter data export
- Data can be exported in various industry standard formats like XML and CSV for integration with third party software