Security of supply and the ready availability of energy are becoming increasingly dependant on our ability to use energy resources carefully. Whist accurate energy meters are a must if the end user is to conserve energy, conservation is not possible without easy to understand energy usage information. Moreover, this information should be available to the customer in as near to real time as possible. To achieve this requires integrated systems or solutions that monitor and report energy usage effectively.
The system or solution will vary depending on the needs of the customer; understanding these requirements needs knowledge of both metering and of the energy supply chain. Over the years we have partnered with our customers to understand their needs and brought our knowledge of energy measurement to provide them with meters and solutions.
Some of the solutions we have developed for our customers are described here. This is by no means an exhaustive list, just an illustration of what we have accomplished so far. Please get in touch with us and discuss your specific requirements and we will try our best to find a solution for you.